
Worlds of Music brings the magic of music and arts to life.

Since 1986, founder Guy Louis Sferlazza has been touring year-round to schools and community audiences with interactive programs that inspire, educate and uplift. A specialist with young people, world music and authentic instruments, Guy presents shows such as: “The World Music Tour”, “Black History in American Music”, “Tune in to Reading” and many more.  “A Culture of Kindness”  the latest live and online program presents mindfulness, social emotional and self-care skills for all ages through music and art.

Guy’s passion for using music from around the world to share self-care with kids and families is at the heart, yet his love of music and instruments has deeper roots.

Guy Louis in kindergarten

Detroit, 1955 

Crossroads of Eight Mile and Grand River. Grandma ran the shoe store with an iron fist. Grandpa reluctantly in the back with his hollow-body six-string guitar, fixing shoes.

She thought his broken-english would scare away customers. My young dad Guy Louis Sferlazza II, worked there selling shoes. One of the many jobs he did not like.

Guy Louis in kindergarten

Dusty old shoe store ends up in Grandma’s dusty old attic.  My sister and I would search diligently for treasure up there. One time we even found a gumball machine, that was a juicy score!

Another day, we uncovered a large strange box and brought it to grandma. “Oh that is your Grandfather’s guitar. You should take it home.” The beginning of the love of the smell of all things music.

Watch & Hear Guy’s tribute song to Grandpa Sam, “Generations” here:

Guy Louis in kindergarten

Pennsylvania 1980

How can I be in this world? where is my place? what can I do? Answered in whispered gentle call: “You can do Music. Start Now and Trust.”

Drop everything, including college. Start an original band, solos, duos, trios, big bands, kirtans, string bands… the shifting sands of professional music… making a living?

Guy Louis in kindergarten

 Michigan 1986

Who knew? Musical shows for young people in schools. Worlds of Music is born as The Chautauqua Express, the little show that could. A new avenue opens for professional music.

Summers fill with family and community concerts all around the state.

Guy Louis in kindergarten


Schools want curriculum-enhancing themes… 

American Music Tour – show #1

Black History in American Music – show #2

World Music Tour – show #3… uh oh, we need a sitar…

Guy Louis in kindergarten


12 different school assembly themes, awesome world instruments, year-round tours.

Mindfulness research embraced in public education system.

If you can only teach a child one thing, teach them mindful well-being skills!

A man on a mission gets a new mission.

Guy Louis in kindergarten

Click to enlarge

Covid completely stops the Worlds of Music live performance engine.

Park the driving machine next to age-old tree…

Deep-soul searching… why are you here… how can you contribute…

The show must go on… did anyone mention puppets on zoom?

Guy Louis in kindergarten


Continued progress moving music to the online platform, including puppets, YouTube channels, creating video, recording audio, presenting assemblies, residencies, and out into the park for kids & family concerts under the sun.

Coming to a town near you?

Guy Louis in kindergarten